Oxypower LF

Low foaming destainer and sanitiser designed for use in wineries where chlorine bleaches are not being used.
Cleans, destains and sanitises all in one
Contains an oxygen bleach which releases hydrogen peroxide when made up in solution
Effectively reduces the cost of expensive rework of wine
Non-dangerous and non-hazardous
In cold water the release is quite rapid giving around 150ppm peracetic acid after 5 minutes and 220ppm after 20 minutes for a 3g/Lsolution
Contains a low foam detergent for fast wetting of surfaces
The pH level has been optimised to give effective sanitising and bleaching, and long solution life
For best results use after a caustic or non-caustic clean
Effective at removal of brown protein stains in tanks which are traditionally a very difficult soil to remove
Effective against Saccaromyces Cerevisiae, Brettanomyces Bruxellensis and Oenococcus Oeni
Third party microbiological bacteria testing proved that oxypower killed more than 99.999% bacteria present including Lactobacillus brevis and Oenococcus Oeni*
Oxypower LF is an oxygenated powder used to clean, sanitise and bleach wine tanks, hoses and CIP lines.
1. Flush out lines and tanks and rinse with water. If tartrates or other soils are present clean first with a suitable cleaner such as BWP, BWL or Vinclean then rinse to give a neutral pH before proceeding.
2. Use Oxypower at dilutions from 3 – 5 g/L making up the solution by sprinkling the Oxypower into the water as it is being added to the mixing tank, and mixing till dissolved.
3. Run the Oxypower through the filling equipment and lines and circulate for at least 20 minutes to allow time to destain and sanitise.
4. Dump solution, then rinse with clean water.
1. Add enough water to the tank to allow circulation.
2. Add 3 - 5kg Oxypower per 1000L and circulate for at least 30 minutes.
3. Dump solution and rinse tank.
Oxypower LF is an alkaline powder containing an oxygen bleach and activator. When made up in solution in cold water it releases peracetic acid for enhanced bleaching and sanitation.
The peracetic acid level reaches around 150ppm after 5 minutes, about 220ppm after 20 minutes and reaches its maximum of 240ppm after about 60 minutes for a 3g/L solution.
The solution strength is maintained around this level for up to 3 hours allowing plenty of time to use the solution.
The solution then slowly loses strength so should be dumped after 3 hours.
The 5g/L solution has a maximum level around 400ppm of peracetic acid.
If made in warm water (40˚C) the peracetic acid is released faster and starts to drop off after about 150 minutes.
Oxypower has a pH around 8.8 at a 1% solution. When made up at normal use dilutions the pH starts around 8.7 and slowly drops as more peracetic acid is released.
If a winery is experiencing problems with contamination with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and needing to rework, run an extra cleaning cycle to physically reduce numbers or use Oxypower LF at 5g/L.
Do not use on equipment containing copper or brass.
Always close drum lid when not in use to keep moisture away from the Oxypower LF as the strength will drop if the product becomes affected by moisture.
The peracetic acid level can be monitored using either test strips, or for greater accuracy by titration.
Use Merckoquant 1.10001.0001 Peracetic Acid test strips 100 – 500 mg/L. These strips are affected by the alkalinity of the solution. To obtain an accurate reading take a 5mL sample and add 4 drops N/1 sulphuric acid to acidify. Then dip strip and read result.
Oxypower has been independently tested against a range of bacteria and yeasts found in wineries by Silliker Microtech.
Oxypower was tested at a use dilution of 3g/L made up at 20˚C with a contact time of 20 minutes using the principles outlined in BS EN 1276:1997. It gave a >log 5 reduction against the following bacteria:
Oenococcus Oeni – South Australian Wine Research Institute
Lactobacillus brevis – derived from ATCC 14869
Pediococcus pentasaceus - South Australian Wine Research Institute
Oxypower was also tested against Brettanomyces bruxellensis - South Australian Wine Research Institute using the same conditions as above using the principles outlined in BS EN 1650:1998. It gave a >log 5 reduction.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is more difficult to kill. Using the principles outlined in BS EN 1650:1998 at 5g/L made up at 20˚C and a contact time of 20 minutes, Oxypower achieved a log reduction of 4.6. This test had an initial count of 2.8 x 106 organisms per mL which is far higher than levels expected on a cleaned surface. A retest using an inoculum of 2.5 x 104 organisms per mL and a use level of 3g/ L gave a > log 4 reduction.
Technical information
Fragrance: No added fragrance
Colour: White
Form: Powder
pH Level: 8.8 (1% solution)
Incompatible surfaces: Copper and brass